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Reg : Site Catalyst return/new visitor requirement


Level 3


I am having new requirement in Site Catalyst. We are tracking Company Name and storing in eVars/ Props.

If the Company Name like 'XYZ' is already available in Site Catalyst in eVar/prop , then it should be displayed under 'Return Visitor' .If the Company Name like 'XYZ' is not available in Site Catalyst in eVar/prop, then it should be displayed under 'New Visitor'.It should check with in SiteCatalyst eVar/prop data.if the same company name exists should be displayed as “Return Visitor’ else, “New Visitor” .

And let me know how to get the report data in Omniture with setting custom variable for accessing S-code.

Is there any API for getting report data in S-code. Can we able achieve this requirement. Please guide me and do the needful.

Thanks & Regards,

Satish kumar G

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