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Make legends editable


Level 2

Would be nice if we could make the legends editable. When you start stacking segments and metrics for a series the legend becomes rather long and cumbersome to have in a chart. I know I could resort to using calculated metrics and/or abbreviating segment names but I want to make sure even then the calculated metric or segment has a meaningful and descriptive name so kind of back to square one

Example I have a work space with 2 series comparing the last 30 days to the previous year same 30 days. And I have the workspace using device and site section segments so the legends become; Unique Visitors[Desktop;Manage Booking Flow;Last 30 Days] and Unique Visitors[Desktop;Manage Booking Flow;Last Year 30 Days] . The legends take up so much real estate in the chart the visualization part is lost. And on the subject of real esate seems like there is a lot of it wasted at the top with the Panel heading and then the segment heading (which I am not using so its totally wasted space.

In report Builder I would simply title the report something like Desktop Manage Booking Flow Visitors and I would label the series as 2017 and 2016

1 Reply


Level 10

Hi Jeff, 

Thanks for the great suggestion. I would ask the Product Management for comments on this. Meanwhile, it would be great if you could also post this on our ideas exchange - http://ideas.omniture.com
