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Applications for the 2024-2025 Adobe Analytics Champion Program are open!

Have latency questions? Get an answer here!


Employee Advisor

Hi everyone! With the upcoming holiday season, online sales are predicted to reach record highs - along with that comes a lot more Analytics data to process. We have teams who have prepared months for the upcoming rush, making sure data will be as current as possible during the time it is most valuable to you.

Since latency is not something that will go away anytime soon, this thread has been created to help you understand latency and what you can do about it when it happens. If you have a question about it, big or small, I will be working with our latency team to answer it for you. After the questions in this thread have been answered, a new KB article will be created that covers the topics discussed here.

For example, question: if I know my site will get 40 million hits on Black Friday, does it make a difference if those hits are spaced throughout the day or if they all occur within a couple hours?
Then I'd talk with our latency team who'd say: It most definitely impacts latency, as the processing resources allocated to that report suite would be sitting around doing nothing for part of the day and then choke when the huge influx of data arrived. This means it is important to not only let us know the days you expect to get spikes, but also what hours (if it doesn't follow your report suite's normal traffic patterns).

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