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Firing human-less events and evars


Level 4


There are several non-browsing actions I would like to add as events, and possibly evars/props. These actions would occur before and after natural human product usage behavior, but would be automated and sent to Analytics directly from a server with a timestamp and possibly other metadata. Any server calls firing prior to product usage would not have any cookie based information available to them by default - they would obviously lack a native Experience Cloud ID and other default metadata. These automated server calls would only pertain to return visitors, so I suppose I could try to store cookie-based-data on the server to then populate the server call with that data?

Would any of this cause issues? Are there best practices for something like this - server calls fully outside of web browsing behavior? I imagine it would be tough to add this data to any sort of visit or visitor segment due to the lack of Experience Cloud ID


2 Replies


Employee Advisor

Hi Evan, are there any specific examples of events/variables that you'd like to send server-side that you don't want to include in an AppMeasurement implementation?


Level 4


Since the analytics hits from your server (prior to product usage ) won't have cookie data, it won't connect to same visit and visitor.

I believe you're trying to send same 'mid' value in server hit. If so, such hit should be a part of that visit and visitor because we look at the visitor ID and hit timestamp to credit them to respective visits. Its similar to offline hits you send with s.timestamp value.