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Adobe Analytics mbox-contents.js script error in IE11


Level 4


The following error happens in Internet explorer and not in any other browser.

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'expires' of undefined or null reference

File: mbox-contents-asdasdasd-staging.js, Line: 8, Column: 2658

The error occurs at this function when the page loads.

function T(t){if("number"==typeof t.expires){var e=new Date;e.setMilliseconds(e.getMilliseconds()+864e5*t.expires),t.expires=e}

We are DTM + Adobe Analytics. has anyone solved this issue, please share how to solve this.




4 Replies


Employee Advisor

mboxes are part of Adobe Target, not Adobe Analytics. Does your organization use Adobe Target?


Level 4

You are absolutely correct. Yes, I missed to mention it.

We are using target as well.

Last month I took the at.js 1.0.0 version and updated it, in the Target configuration section, in DTM as shown in the below.

I pasted the at.js code in the editor (clicked on the 'Open Editor' link as shown below).


Is there something else which I need to do. Am I missing something?


Level 1

Hi Mano

Did you resolve the issue? We are facing the same problem. Anyone that have faced and resolve this problem?

Thank you in advance,



Employee Advisor

Can you try updating to the latest version of target, analytics, and experience cloud ID service? I am pretty sure the issue has been resolved in our recent appmeasurement library versions.