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Advertising Cloud Community Quiz | August 2020 | Participate Now!







The Advertising Cloud Community brings you yet another opportunity to showcase your knowledge and also gain some in the process. We will be running a Quiz on this thread with one new question every day for 2 weeks. Not only that, with every question there will be an interesting tip/fact/insight about Advertising that you can use to impress others! Needless to say, winners of the quiz will receive some cool rewards from Adobe! 



1. The quiz will run from 10th August 2020 to 21st August 2020.

2. 1 question will be posted on every working day (Mon-Fri), a total of 10 questions

3. Participants can join the quiz anytime and answer the questions. For example, one can join the quiz on the 5th day and answer previous questions as well. 



1. Sign in to the community by clicking on TanmayMathur_0-1596527778901.png at the top right. If you are a new visitor, create an account. 

2. Follow this thread by click on TanmayMathur_1-1596527892234.pngat the bottom of this post so you get notified of when a question is posted.

3. To respond to a question, click on the respective TanmayMathur_2-1596528145319.pngbutton and in the editor use the quotation button TanmayMathur_3-1596528234947.pngto indicate which question you are replying to

4. You are done! Come back next day and answer a new question. 



1. The quiz winner will be decided on the basis of most number of correct answers.

2. In case of a tie, the person providing the correct answer first will be considered.

3. Adobe reserves the right to disqualify any entries and decide on the rewards.

125 Replies



Great going folks! Here is the question for today: 


Q2: Choose a call to action phrase from the following examples

  1. Personalized Service
  2. Best Of The Web
  3. Lowest Prices, Buy Here
  4. Buy Here

Please respond by clicking the 'Reply' button on this post and either using the quote button or mentioning the question number. 


BONUS TIP: Call to Action

Writing a call to action for the first person instead the second person would gather more attention.  For example "Get my Free Ebook” would drive more clicks and conversions than "Get your Free Ebook"

- Tip submitted by @ShDayal 



Be consistent to increase your chances of winning this quiz! Answer the question for today: 


Q3: When are your Google Ads eligible to appear?

  1. Once your keywords pass a quality check, your payment is approved and Google clears your certification credentials
  2. After you pass your Google Quality Score
  3. After your campaign is set up and your account is activated
  4. After you activate your account and show you are certified

Please respond by clicking the 'Reply' button on this post and either using the quote button or mentioning the question number. 


BONUS TIP: Call to Action

If your ad is getting served for a particular topic but it's not relevant to that ad, and you find this topic relevant to your business then go for creating a whole new set of campaigns and Ad groups for that topic.

- Tip submitted by @ShDayal