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Status Date Change Field?


Level 3
Hello, Is there a way to determine the date that a status has changed? For instance, if I wanted a list of projects that went current this week, could I show this in a report? Tim Blausey Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

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12 Replies


Level 3
You can visually see the info in the Updates section, but I have the same question and found this thread during my search. I'm wanting to take the time stamp information Workfront records (Time stamp that a Status changed to a particular Named Status) to use in reports. (can barely see the date stamp in this screen shot) Where is this info stored? Dave Rulon Great Dane Savannah, GA 912-644-2452


Level 10
Hi David, They're journal entries that you can retrieve via the API. Here's an old post that explains this... Query Notes via API If you're handy with the API you can actually query the journal object and get all the data. A sample query is as follows (of course, add in the relevant object ID or search parameters and your API key): "https://yourinstance.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v7.0/jrnle/search?project:ID=aaa123&fields=*&apiKey=bbb456"> yourinstance.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v7.0/jrnle/... We use this type of query to source the data so we can send alerts to users when certain kinds of changes are made to particular fields by particular people on particular kinds of tasks/projects. We use Azuqua to run the queries on schedule and send the alerts. An example of the JSON-formatted data returned for one of these journal entries is as follows. You can see the fieldName which was changed, along with the changeType and what the oldTextVal and newTextVal were for this example of a custom field edit on a task. Narayan Raum "https://suntrustedo.my.workfront.com/dashboard/view?ID=5c1bf1f90046e70adeecf882731a47b9"> Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank


Level 3
Narayan, Thanks for sharing. My understanding from your answer is that this cannot be done in the WorkFront reporting engine and instead has to exported out to a database. Is that correct? Thank you, Tim Tim Blausey Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company


Level 10
Hi Tim, Unless you're calculating the timestamps in custom fields as "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001028853-Understanding-Common-Uses-of-Text-Mode#calculated-custom-fields"> seen here , then I think you'll need to export the journal entry data. Unfortunately, there is no "Journal Entry" report type: Narayan Raum "https://suntrustedo.my.workfront.com/dashboard/view?ID=5c1bf1f90046e70adeecf882731a47b9"> Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank


Level 10
Hi - I have a Note report and then the filter I use is Audit Text contains "Status changed from". There is an Audit type that says Status Change but there is also one called Multiple (or something like that) so you don't get everything. I find doing the contains filter works. And since you only want project status changes, you will want a filter like Task ID is blank and Issue ID is blank. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10

This fails for me. Was this something that Workfront enabled in your instance at some point? I've kicked off a ticket with Workfront so we'll see... Narayan Raum "https://suntrustedo.my.workfront.com/dashboard/view?ID=5c1bf1f90046e70adeecf882731a47b9"> Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank0690z000007ZhlMAAS.png


Level 10
Hi Narayan, I expect this is a situation where Anthony's environment is of an old enough vintage that such Notes are still "on" under the hood (along side the newer Updates), where your environment is new enough that it is "off", which is why you're not seeing it. About a year ago, we developed a way to reactivate that "Nessie DNA" to allow newer environments to enjoy that older behavior, which I invite you to read more about in "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=ca5e7ae0-4cbe-49f6-ad4c-8bbcdf17f683&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bmca5e7ae0-4cbe-49f6-ad4c-8bbcdf17f683">this thread . Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Hi Narayan - I'd definitely check with Support. Why did it capture the changes from December 5th but not the ones from yesterday? That seems very weird to me. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Hi Anthony, I finally solved this and the output is exactly what we need for audit and analytics. It beats the "TIMESTAMP_NEW" approach on the custom form by far! Here's a summary for anyone struggling with this... I had to grant the support contact (Dustin Martin) access to my instance. Once in, he was able to access an interface that I'd never seen, probably through a direct path in /setup. Here it is: Once all options were activated on this screen, I confirmed that status logging was occurring on new projects, tasks and issues. Existing entries are a no-go. So, from here on out, we'll have the logging I've been wanting for years. I'm hopeful this will help other customers who are struggling to understand this. I'm also thinking that it's a hidden interface because it probably has or had a performance impact. Just a guess here, but my instance is performing just fine with the logging enabled. Now, I'm getting this sort of output in a Notes report: Narayan Raum "https://suntrustedo.my.workfront.com/dashboard/view?ID=5c1bf1f90046e70adeecf882731a47b9"> Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank


Level 10
Och! Well done, laddies! Your screenshot confirm the sighting of the very settings the "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=ca5e7ae0-4cbe-49f6-ad4c-8bbcdf17f683&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bmca5e7ae0-4cbe-49f6-ad4c-8bbcdf17f683">Nessie DNA Reactivation I've been referring to in my previous posts. Well sighted, Narayan: this is for you: Dustin, I'll follow up with you on our next call to see if this is something Workfront now intends to make available to "just anyone", or if not, whether I should offer it among "http://store.atappstore.com/">our solutions . Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
That is so interesting! Well, I'm glad that Dustin was able to fix it for you so that it works! YAY! Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Thank you Doug. This explains a lot! Narayan Raum "https://suntrustedo.my.workfront.com/dashboard/view?ID=5c1bf1f90046e70adeecf882731a47b9"> Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank