I would like to create a Kanban board for my team. we have a number of projects assigned to us. When I connect each of my team members it shows tasks for all projects whose status is not complete. So projects we mark as on hold, planning, dead seem to have tasks flowing into the board. this is creating too much busyness. I can't find a way to only show tasks from projects with a status of current. is there a way to do this?
alternatively i can manually add/remove projects on the board, but would rather not subject myself to that level of administration of the board.
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Hi @AndyHeller,
Thank you for your question! You should be able to apply a filter directly on the project status field and set it to only look at "Current" projects. Please see gif below.
- Monica
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I'm sorry Monica that gif only shows the dynamic intake board configuration option. I have that set already. However the board is pulling in All tasks from all projects my team is on.
If i click the filter button on the left, i can only filter on task status, not project status. If i click on the advanced filter option on the right, i can again only filter on tasks/issues.
I don't see a way to filter the board to tasks on open projects (which in Workfront means the project status = Current).
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It looks my gif didn't upload correctly. I have attached the recording HERE. If you are unable to see these filters in your instance, I would recommend submitting a ticket to the Workfront Support team.
Ah ha! that's only buried a few levels deep to figure out