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how can use filter on child level object


Level 1

HI Team,

How can we use filter on child level object using WF api call.


like project have task collection and need a filter on tasks:milestoneID

I am using below code:


result is i m getting all the tasks list filter is not applying. 

what is wrong on above code.

5 Replies


Community Advisor

I think maybe just go with


if you're looking to pull projects where tasks have milestones.


If you're looking to pull specific task data, might be easier for you to do /task/search?projectID=XXXXX&milestoneID_Mod=notnull&fields=* (why are you being constrained to a project search?)


Level 1

Thanks for reply...

My requirement is to pull all projects details along with its associated tasks and where milestoneID is not null.


Community Advisor

sorry I don't understand your goal. Are you being asked to pull in tasks where milestoneID is not null, or ALL tasks in the project?


Level 1

Project having collection of tasks and I want to pull all tasks where milestoneID is not null under project.


Community Advisor

Can you just do 
