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filter document approvals report for active projects only


Level 10
I feel like I missed something. I'm reporting on document approvals and I only want to see the approval request if the project the document is in, is active. I can *see* the information (I can create a column to view it). I can *group* the information (I can put the same field in the grouping tab). But I cannot, for the life of me *filter* by the information WHHHHHHYYYY Here's the pair of lines I'm using in the filter tab. The field works in views and groupings, and I pretty much pulled the syntax off a project report so I know the "cur" and Mod=in, is correct. But as soon as I stick it in a filter tab I get the red error box. :( document:project:status=CUR document:project:status_Mod=in -skye

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3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Skye, I confirmed the following filter results on a Document Approval Report: PASS documentID_Mod=notblank (first hop) PASS document:projectID_Mod=notblank (two hops) FAIL document:project:status_Mod = notblank (three hops) I then confirmed the following filter results on a Task Report: PASS projectID_Mod=notblank (first hop) PASS project:portfolioID_Mod=notblank (two hops) FAIL project:portfolio:ID_Mod=notblank (three hops) That the last ones fail on both also seems odd (and new) to me, as my impression was that Workfront supported three hops...but perhaps that applies only to views or groupings, and it's always been two hops on filters. If anyone has a three hop filter that they know has worked in the past and can confirm whether that's still the case, please do; or if it does not, I suggest it's Ticket Time. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
thanks Doug! It's not ticket time. My search abilities finally kicked in AFTER I posted, and I found an old post on exactly this same question. The question had gone unanswered, but it's obvious this (lack of) functionality has been in place for some time. So... two hops it is. :( -skye


Level 10
So much for our faint hop clause. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads