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Cannot select Default Hour Type or Available Hour Types in User Settings


Level 5

We are preparing to require user's to begin logging their time.

In Setup, Timesheets & Hours, I have the following set:

  • Timesheet Profiles: 1 timesheet profile is created
  • Hour Types: 7 hour types are showing (I.e. General Overhead, Task Time, Project Time, PTO, etc)

I am not able to update user settings Default Hour Type or Available Hour Types, though. What am I overlooking?

  • The screenshot shows a user setting, Resource Planning settings.
  • Clicking on the dropdown for default and available hours doesn't provide any option/ability to select anything.


I've read through lot of the articles for time sheets, hour types, etc. and it seems straightforward, but I can't figure out what I am missing. Thank you in advance!


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3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi Cathy,

If you navigate to System > Timesheet & Hours > Hour Types and add some "Project Specific" Hour Types, they should then appear in the Default Hour Type and Available Hour Type dropdowns you seek.

The seven built in ones you mentioned are "General" hour types (and always present at the bottom of everyone's timesheets), whereas the new one(s) you create (e.g. "Standard Time", "Overtime", "Capital Cost", "Expense Cost", "Client Facing", etc.) are intended to be more granular at the specific Task Level (and if you choose to enable the feature, Project Level).




Level 5

Ah-ha! Thank you so much, @Doug Den Hoed‚!

Knowing this now, am I right in assuming that I don't have to create/use "Project Specific" hour types? We can elect to just use the built in "General" hours types?

What are the pros and cons of only using the General hour types?


Community Advisor
Spot on Cathy, You could indeed start with only General Hours to get folks used to the idea of Time Tracking (spoiler alert: expect resistance), and then introduce Project Specific time entry later (slow or fast, bandaid removal stings), but the main consideration is to decide whether the (reporting / process improving) value of having that lower level detailed Time Entry (eg by Project, Task, Person, Hour Type) warrants the effort to gather it (training, policing, inspecting, defending, etc). Regards, Doug