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Can't add same user to multiple stages in workflow


Level 1
I'm creating a workflow with more than one stage. I added "Bob" as an Approver in Stage1 because he needs to approve it before it can go to Stage2 where I added "Jane" as an approver. I still want to add "Bob" as a Viewer in Stage2, but I get an error when I try to add him. If this is not possible, what is the business logic behind this? Is Proof assuming since "Bob" already approved it in Stage1 he won't need to view it again in Stage2? John Beckwith BSA/User Interface Designer Nike - Brand Management Technology

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14 Replies


Level 2
Hi John, We were always considering that if someone made a decision on Stage 1 then his decision is based on the whole asset, and because Stage 2 have the same asset the decision was already made. Could you write a little bit more on why Bob would have to make another decision for the same asset? As of last few weeks we are working to change that logic and allow Bob to be on as many stages as you need, but It would still be valuable to understand your case to make sure that the result of this change will fully resolve your problem. Best regards Andrzej Belka Workfront


Level 2

Good example for us, our head of content likes to be on earlier content-only reviews but then added at the end during a leadership review. Both approvals are valid and we'd like documentation of both approvals.


Level 2

We need this too. Our content reviewers sometimes need to send an asset to legal for their input. Legal adds comments, then makes a decision. Then, it needs to go back to the content reviewer to fix anything that legal identified before approving the asset for design.


Level 10
I want to chime in on this too because when the workflows get improved, I'm going to be so happy! We can't use the workflows because they are people-based and not role-based and so the number of combinations is too many, much easier just to share with the necessary people as needed. This makes the stages all messy as the due date is often slightly different or forgotten, and so the stages don't really work in the real world. If it was role-based, similar to the templates in WF, we would absolutely use the workflows in Proof and it would really help design how the proofs are sent around, and be consistent between groups (where now they each have their own way and sometimes someone is forgotten and it's a bit messy.) It might be pretty rare that the same person needs to be in multiple stages, but I can envision cases where it would happen – ie a person in Stage 1 has a lot of knowledge and input on something technical, and then needs to be in Stage 3 to review, edit, approve the comments from the people in Stage 2 to respond and fact check before it goes back to the designer for the next version. Jill Ackerman | Director, Direct Marketing Lindblad Expeditions 96 Morton Street | New York, NY 10014 Ph. 212.261.9080 | Fax. 212.265-3770 jilla@expeditions.com | "http://www.expeditions.com/"> www.expeditions.com


Level 2
We've been running into the same problem. There are times when we need the same person on a workflow twice. We have a small team and people play multiple roles. For example, we might have an Account Director mark up some initial comments on a proof, then route the proof to a copywriter to make further edits. Then, the same Account Director may need to review and approve the markups that the copywriter made. So, there are definitely times when the same person needs to be on a route/workflow twice. I think this is one of the biggest flaws right now with workflows. Theresa Rotondo Atlantis Healthcare Usa, Inc.


Level 1
Hi Andrzej - Thanks for the explanation - I definitely see the rationale. In my scenario, there isn't a need for Bob to review in Stage 2 as there wouldn't necessarily be an updates to the proof that required him to review/approve. That would happen if a new version of the Proof was uploaded, and the workflow would start over again and Bob would review/approve in Stage 1. Just wanted to make sure I understood this 100% while we train our users on Proof. Thanks again! John Beckwith BSA/User Interface Designer Nike - Brand Management Technology


Level 7
We definitely would like to add the same person to multiple stages. Our workflow is that the project manager reviews the proof first, then it goes on to 2 more stages. After the last stage, we'd like the project manager (the first person) to review all the comments and proposed changes from the previous 2 stages, and confirm to the designer which ones to make and which ones to disregard. Leah Janz Metro Transit


Level 4
On the last roadmap call, this is planned for 18.3. We have a lot of customers that need this for traffic managers to guide through proofs that are approved in meetings. -- Melinda Layten, Senior Consultant Work Management Improvement CapabilitySource - 2018 Workfront Services Partner of the Year Phone: (484) 505-6855 site: www.capabilitysource.com email: melinda.layten@capabilitysource.com - we simplify your work so you can run your business -


Level 5
Our process uses a workaround so that our PMs can set up the proof and the Creatives post any versions after v1. Due to this workaround, we'd need the designer on the first and the last stage. Our preference would not do a workaround in the first place. For this, we'd need Workfront to create the ability for PM to set up a proof including workflow template selection and custom notification; without leaving the initial proof setup window,to set the assigned Creative resource to also Manage the proof; and, finally, put the proof 'record' into a Hold state until the Creative team is ready to posts v1. The creative goes to the proofs on hold, opens the one they need, attaches the {correct} art for the version being routed, and clicks a Send button. Tammie Bouchard National Safety Council


Level 2
We would also like the ability to add people to multiple stages. We would use it for the Project Manager who would approve it on stage 1, but then need to be the final approval on say...stage 7 before it actually goes to press. Yes, they are managing it in between, but sometimes things can get missed and they need to be that final approval. DeeAnn Jones Melaleuca


Level 7
Andrzej, can you give me an update on this? When will this functionality be available? Marla Driver


Level 3
I am also interested in knowing when this functionality will be available. For those of us who have small teams, we really need the same people to be part of multiple stages. Debbie Scalf BCBST


Level 6
The ability to add the same user to multiple stages in workflow as well as the ability to use Workfront units like groups, roles, etc in workflow are still our top priorities. Unfortunately is too early to communicate any ETA as currently, the team is planning the technical implementation. I will let you know once I have more details. Andrzej Muca


Level 1

Hi - I wondered if there was any update on this one? I am looking to have the same users in multiple stages and wonder if anyone has found a workaround to this yet or if there's a way to do it? I'm setting up some workflows now and it doesn't look like this is a functionality yet? Thanks