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Assistance with Task Report, Using "Days Late" as the Grouping.


Level 2
Hi, All. I did a search and could not find an answer to my question. I apologize if this has been covered somewhere else. I'm trying to create a task report by that uses the "daysLate" as the grouping criteria similar to the report created by this code that groups by project percentage: group.0.linkedname=direct group.0.name=Percent Breakdown group.0.notime=false group.0.valueexpression=IF({percentComplete}=0,"0 %",IF({percentComplete}<=10,"0-10 %",IF({percentComplete}<=20,"10-20 %",IF({percentComplete}<=30,"20-30 %",IF({percentComplete}<=40,"30-40 %",IF({percentComplete}<=50,"40-50 %",IF({percentComplete}<=60,"50-60 %",IF({percentComplete}<=70,"60-70 %",IF({percentComplete}<=80,"70-80 %",IF({percentComplete}<=90,"80-90 %",IF({percentComplete}<=100,"90-100 %","100 %"))))))))))) group.0.valueformat=string and amended the code to use "daysLate" instead of "percentComplete" as follows: group.0.linkedname=direct group.0.name=Days Late Breakdown group.0.notime=false group.0.valueexpression=IF({daysLate}=0,"0 %",IF({daysLate}<=10,"0-10 %",IF({daysLate}<=20,"10-20 %",IF({daysLate}<=30,"20-30 %",IF({daysLate}<=40,"30-40 %",IF({daysLate}<=50,"40-50 %",IF({daysLate}<=60,"50-60 %",IF({daysLate}<=70,"60-70 %",IF({daysLate}<=80,"70-80 %",IF({daysLate}<=90,"80-90 %",IF({daysLate}<=100,"90-100 %","100 %"))))))))))) group.0.valueformat=string However this results in a report that is not grouped as it should. Any input or suggestions you may have are very much appreciated. Thanks

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2 Replies


Level 2
Hi Hector, Unfortunately, the "daysLate" field on Task is unavailable for grouping. If you attempt to create a grouping via the builder, you'll notice that while many of the Task fields are groupable, this one doesn't show up. Internally, it appears the reasons for this is that the fields returned on a report are "lazy." As we can't guarantee that plannedCompletionDate / actualCompletionDate are being requested (fields required to calculate days late), or that those will be populated on all requested tasks for the report, we just don't allow it's selection. That said, we do offer some methods which would allow you to calculate the expression. group.0.valueexpression=DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},$$NOW) This can be used in conjunction with the IF statements as well... Example: group.0.name=Days Late Breakdown group.0.valueexpression=IF(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},$$NOW)<100,"less than 100 days late") group.0.valueformat=HTML textmode=true You can read more about the the $$NOW wildcard @ "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/216598368-Wildcard-Filter-Variables">Wildcard Filter Variables You can read more about the the DATEDIFF expression @ "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217196767-Understanding-Calculated-Data-Expressions">Understanding Calculated Data Expressions . I hope this helps. Thanks! (edit: I had left the valueformat as 'int' but that really isn't necessary. I changed it to HTML for maximum compatibility with the data being returned.)


Level 10
Hector, if you perform the calculations in a calculated field on a task custom form, then you can group the results based off the returned value.