hi Tim, 1) There is a field picker in the calculated field area that you can use to determine the case for that field. If you start typing in "Priority" it will come up under Issue Priority and you can just select it (double click? single click?) and it would come up right in your calculation. This works for a lot of fields. You shouldn't have to guess, most of the time. 2) I really recommend you do a simple calculation first: just one selection. If you can get "if priority = low, then 1" working, that would give you the beginning of the syntax you need for the entire calculation, and you can start to add complexity after that. 3) in this particular case, whatever you need will appear to be 1 long calculation, as opposed to the 4 that you have strung up side by side. So it would look more like this: IF(Priority=Urgent,"50",IF(Priority=High,"20",IF(Priority=Normal,"10",IF(Priority=Low,"1","0")))) (note: I'm not really certain if this is correct or not, but this is the rough shape I'd be expecting to make the calculation out of. n other words, if it's urgent, give it 50, and if it's not, look to see if it's high, in which case give it 20, but if it's not then look to see if it's normal and give it 10 if it is, and if it's not then look to see if it's low. If the issue priority can be null, then yes, give it a zero (does this ever default to normal? I don't know how priority works in an issue)) -skye