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Hi MikeI tried the whole stuff on another WordPress installation at another hosting provider. It is running now. The issue now is that the articles are empty. I have to look with Studio Mercury about this issue…ThanksHaeme
Hi MikeI know that this isn't an Adobe issue. But perhaps you could give me a hint for this error as well? GitHub Issue:Failed. Could not perform action (push_entity). One of the parameters was invalid. · Issue #12 · StudioMercury/digital-p…Thank youHaeme
Hi MikeYes, this was the case – I had empty files from the WordPress export in it. Could this also be the problem with the direct upload? See:Error while publishing to the cloud (WordPress > DPS)Thanks you so muchHaeme Ulrich
He, he – you are right about the HTML Help. But, this is why I saw the broken link: I wanted to load the PDF to my iPad in order to read it on my flight back tonight. So I'm at the gate now still enough time to load it to the iPad Thanks!Haeme