Hi Abraham92,you can try passing the http.body as a string instead of using the function JSON.stringify. http.body='{"reqValue1": "value1","reqValue2": "value2","reqValue3": "value3","reqValue4": "value4","reqValue5": "value5"}';
Hi Jon,In the above function definition, how will the target extension attributes will be referred in personalization. For example @amount is part of cus: transactions schema (target extension) and not nms:seedMember schema. How will the preview generateWith regards,Richa Chaubey
Hi All,Adding to my query, Please let me know what will be the process for doing the IP warmup activity in case of Message Centre.with regards,Richa Chaubey
Hi Jonas,It will be helpful if you can share an approach document.Also please let me know how did you modify the NmsTracking_ClickFormula to achieve this?with regards,Richa Chaubey
Hi Adhiyan,Thanks for the update, In case of Hybrid Implementation nms:providerMsgId schema is not populated in marketing instance, can this data be synced to on-premise Marketing instance from mid-sourcing.with regards,Richa Chaubey
Hi Jonas,Thanks for the update, were those links generated by third-party service being tracked by Adobe Campaign, if yes can you let me know the solution being implemented.with regards,Richa Chaubey
Hi Adhiyan,Thanks for sharing the POC.Currently, we are using the same approach, but we also have a requirement to track the bitly's generated using the API call. Whenever we enable tracking within the SMS deliveries the link changes to a long URL having Adobe branding. Can we track the SMS deliveri...
Hi All,I am still not able to resolve the issue. there is an update to above query.On uploading the APNS Certificate, i am now getting new error as follows:-The connections cache could not be reinitialized. Error-53The new error: Internal Server Error 500. The connections cache could not be reinitia...