Hi Maruthid, Do you happen to know how to get RolloutConfig object in order to use it inside the establishRelationship method?There is a RolloutConfigManager interface but I was not able to found available implementations.Best regards,Andrii
Hi Scott,Thanks for the response, I was also not able to find any articles or info how to configure it or at list resolve dependencies for this bundle.Maybe Pradeep or someone from the community has some experience.Best regards,Andrii
Hi Smacdonald,Thanks for the reply. Yes, the OSGI console secure, but usually configuration deployed with the source code and we don't want to store it in an open way inside the GIT.Best regards,Andrii
Hi Parit Mittal,Thank you for your response.The thing is that when campaign synchronized with Adobe Target status for this campaign is automatically set to Approved. We use AEM 6.1 for personalization and synchronization with Adobe Target.If understand correctly this campaign will be automatically a...
Thanks for reply. Is this correct link for dam lucene package https://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager/kb/aem6-available-hotfixes/_jcr_content/main-pars/download_1/file.res/damLuceneProperty.zip?