Good day,This is almost what I want to achieve. Please see the link . I have two buttons with a "+" and "-". Which works "adds" or "removes" a whole new blank table. The user will enter as much info...
Good day,I'm still in need of assistance on this....Please see my questions below and dated 07-01-2022 below. My form starts off with only one table which has a button that creates another blank table. I am going to create another button, which the user will click that will create a table that wil...
Good day,I did that and I still cannot move the image next to the other one. It's like a wall. Also, the "X" and "Y" is greyed out on the size and position. no sure how to add links, so let me know if you run into any issues. FYI- I had to change up my form in order to post.
Good day,Yes, this is what I want, but for some reason, on my form, when I click back to the first button, the second one stays red and it changes it's brightness. Your example does not do this. Can you help me fix it on my form?
Good day,I'm not sure if this will work. Your reply is listing "Table2". Will another table "Table 3" appear listing the same value in it when they click the button again? I will need the form to work like this even if they click it 30 times. Right now, I have another button on the form which add...