Hi marion33678522,Is prop42 value fired with Link Calls as well. If now, a probable scenario for 4% visits would be the visits which had only Link Calls without prop42 values.To check this, try breakdown report Custom Link by prop44.
Hi jasmineb73692945,You need to schedule spikes for the Parent Report Suites if there is an expected change in traffic as Virtual Report Suites derives data from the parent report suites.
Hi kbridges@evolytics.com,If you could share the URL as DM to me, I can have a look and see what's causing the issue. You can also get a ticket opened with Adobe ClientCare through any of the Supported Users in your organization for analysis of this issue.
Thanks for sharing the URL with me Vasim Ahmad. I have sent you my detailed analysis which states that the issue seems to be related to the load order of the Data Layer.
Hi matthewb9251749,I checked the page and see some SyntaxError logs in console. I have sent you a DM with more details regarding these errors and DTM rules where you need to look to correct it.
Hi pratimag85403180,What is the name of the CRM you are trying to integrate?The first step to proceed with this is to check if there is any existing Data Connector which can be utilized. You can check for the existing Integrations by following the below article:Integrations Other options would be t...
Hi Vasim Ahmad,Please try replicating the issue using latest version of IE as the older browser versions are already stated to be not supported by Microsoft and hence by Adobe as well.If it is replicable with latest version of IE, provide here/DM the Page URL and steps to replicate the issue.
HI abhilashk83,As such I do not see any specific SDK for Tizen TV, however as you mentioned it supports developing applications using web technologies, you can try JavaScript library.