Hi, for now I´m using Dynamic media deliver to make webp images. As you can see in the below screenshots: the requested url is (for example for 1600w): /adobe/dynamicmedia/deliver/dm-aid--96257829-89c9-4fb4-8f29-ffda3ac363a6/tortuga-boba-jon.jpg?preferwebp=true&quality=85&width=1600 this is working ...
Hi everyone, I´m trying to minify the clientlibs for my AEM cloud project. I achived the goal in my local environment by adding the next osgi config:com.adobe.granite.ui.clientlibs.impl.HtmlLibraryManagerImpl.cfg.json { "htmllibmanager.minify": true, "htmllibmanager.gzip": true, "htmllibmanager.d...
We would like to extend Page Editor. We need to extend this specific section of the editor: We are requested to read other property intead of the jcr:title to print the components.