Hello Heidi, Welcome to my world. Unfortunately, support is currently extremely limited. No matter how much information I send in advance and show that I have even thought about possible causes or solutions, I often get back standard answers that give the impression that my explanations have either ...
Hi, Do be able to help you, it would be helpful to see, how you configured the module.The Misc Action module is capable of running dozens of actions depending on the object type you are using it on. RegardsLars
Hello Matt, You can investigate possible service outages here. If you change the date range to "last 7 days", you will see that there have been some minor issues in the last days. I did not check in detail.If you found out some more details, I would open a service ticket for further investigation. R...
Although the proof is created not all parameters from the JSON seem to be considered... Hmm. I need to investigate this further some time, but as described in the last note box in the linked Experience League document, Adobe wants us to play around with the proof module to find out how to setup the...
Hello BidKarLe, On my instance it is working using the Misc Action Module with the action createProof and a JSON in the following format in the field advancedProofingOptions: {
"stages": [
"name": "TestStage1",
"lockOn": 1,
"position": 1,
Hi, interestingly I recently came across a similar issue when trying to adapt an Excel formula into a custom calculation.We are a company in Germany, therefore we normally have our browser language set to German. The project start date should be calculated after entering the calendar week and the ye...
Hello Meredith,
I am quite sure this has something to do with the way you are using a document storage.
This depends on the settings unter "Setup -> Documents -> ...".
On the other hand you could check what you see under "Setup -> Customer Info -> Basic Info -> Storage Quota".
I was looking for such a solution for a long time, but it is not possible that way. Although the option is named "Anybody", it is still limited to users with a valid Workfront account in this instance. Opening the Direct Access URL in a different browser will show you the login window of Workfront.
unfortunately this will not work. Choosing the option Anyone here, does mean
Any Workfront user with an active account can view this request queue and add requests to it