In addition to hiding columns we don't use, we are seeing a lack of a single project view that shows us planned hours by job role, and then what those hours cost you (bill rate used for that job role on that project). So we'd love to add columns to show bill rate and planned revenue.
When adding Bill Rates to a project, the UX could be greatly improved.
1) it would be nice to first just list the Job Roles currently used on the Project. Then if you want to add a rate for a role not on the project - you click 'Add Other Role"
2) if you insist on listing all roles whether or not th...
There is no avatar/person icon when there is just one person assigned (yourself), but when there are two people, you see yourself plus the other person. A consistent UX would be to display either: only assignments for others (so if you are the only assignee, no avatar), or always include yourself wh...
In the new Home feature (currently in preview) - Under the Show dropdown, user can currently say Show: All, Tasks, Requests, Issues, APprovals, or Personal. Would love to add an option for Show: All LATE.
Agree it takes too long to load - would be great to have the OPTION (not required, like it is in the Utilization report) to apply a filter before loading. Filter for our organization would need to start at Group level, and go down from there (Portfolio, Program etc). The required filter on the Utili...
We'd like the option to 'turn off' the restriction of needing job roles to match when swapping a user for another user. There are times we definitely want to replace 'Anthony' with 'Tonya', even if Tonya doesn't have Anthony's job role in her Primary or Other Job Roles.