My support rep confirmed that Proof did indeed go live, if anyone else was curious as well (thanks Courtney!). They must have missed updating Trust along the way. Mike Clark Program Manager Healthgrades
Does anyone know if the Proof release actually went live last night as intended? I haven't seen any updates anywhere, including Trust. Mike Clark Program Manager Healthgrades
Yes please! Slack has become a huge part of our business, and as we continue to promote Workfront as the operational system of record and driving more communication outcomes to be stored in the tool, this would allow for more seamless workflows to do that for the users.
This would definitely be a big help, even if rolled out in pieces (starts with custom forms, then reports, etc.). Any little bit would be a good move in the right direction.
How about not making it required, either? Would be great if we could default the Request/Issue name to be one of the fields from our Custom Form. I know this is more advanced functionality, but it would be so much smoother for 95% of our use cases.
One thing we have been using in the meantime is the business case tab on the project. If the custom form you want to export is on the project-level, you can setup your business case to include the project's custom forms and then export the business case. It comes with much more data than is needed, ...
We would love to be able to Subscribe to all Projects of a certain Template, or within a certain Group, Company, Portfolio, Resource Pool, etc. This would be a big win.
Big missing feature for us, as well. Would be great if we could put project templates inside of a program template, and create them all in a designated portfolio in one fell-swoop.
We would really like this, as well. I was excited when the new Slack integration was announced, but disappointed to hear it was only pulling data upon request. Unfortunately, we're already pushed up against budget and Kelasa isn't a solution for us. I like both of your suggestions - both Slack and b...
We have also experienced some picture issues (might it be our firewall?), and I have received similar complaints about the latest update being on the bottom. Mike Clark