Issue is solved after authoring the content with outputclass instead of class. HTML5 plugin converts the outputclass to class in generated html. Note: Don't author class for any elements.
Ex: <p outputclass="telephone">507-123-1234</p>
OOB HTML5 plugin is removing the authored elements (p, div etc) when the class attribute is defined for that element. Instead if p/div elements, <span class="undefined_element" is enclosed between the authored text
Ex: add class/outputclass for p and div tags (<p class="p_test" otherprops="test...
Hi @DivrajSingh ,
As the file type (.zip) is not supported in this chat communication I uploaded the package to and provided you access.
Kindly review the package.
Hi @DivrajSingh ,
I followed the steps which are mentioned in this document. However, the metadata value is not getting displayed in the PDF. Do you have any sample package of the PDF customization, which reads the metadata property?
We are using the OOTB Image Core component and when we try to use this component on the page, the image src is referencing the image component path of the current page.
Instead, is there a way to load the images from /content/dam (/content/dam/wknd/hiking-campaign.jpeg) instead of the page UR...