Hey @LizaFrancis
The feature would be available in May this year.
You can know more about it - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics-platform/using/cja-dataviews/bi-extension
@Michael_Soprano Did you find the suggested solutions helpful? It would be great if you can mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, share it with wider audience in the community.
@Deepak_Kv Did you find the suggested solutions helpful? It would be great if you can mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, share it with wider audience in the community.
Hi @ShivaniM Did you find the suggestion solution helpful? It would be great if you can mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, share it with wider audience in the community.
Hello Aspirants - @kamlesh-maddheshiya , @embici3 , @manjeets5367412
@Navinagrawal , @sachinn20956098 , @JChana
Can you share your progress in the mentorship program?
@cparthasarathy @Asheesh_Pandey
Please ensure you have successful login in Adobe Credential Management System - https://www.certmetrics.com/adobe
Then schedule and take exam on Examity.
Link to all the information in get certified tab https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/certification/progra...
Hi All,
Since we extended the time line. You will be shared Vouchers via emails in next week.
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@jajwani Since Master Exam need more prep. Vouc...