I don't know who is accepting these solutions in this forum. Most of them are false, only question owner should be able to accept solution.
I resolve it issue by adding "/services" to "org.apache.sling.servlets.resolver.SlingServletResolver" config paths.
I'm getting this error when I'm updating the subscription key:
04.10.2022 12:45:45.593 *ERROR* [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [1664901945591] POST /services/accesstoken/verify HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.servlets.post.impl.operations.ModifyOperation Exception during response processing.
Yes, I have installed this package. If you look at my screen shots you will see GraphQL configurations there but GraphiQL Tool is not there.
Don't know who accepted your reply as a correct solution, it's not me.
I'm getting 404 Error when I try to access http://localhost:4502/content/graphiql.html
AEM Version: 6.5.13
CSRF Filter checked
I don't see GraphQL and GraphQL Query Editor tiles and tools:
I see GraphQL Endpoints under tools/assets
I have AEM 6.5.12 service pack, some how this part messed up. I reinstalled this package now I see GraphQL endpoint management tile under Tools/Assets. But GraphQL tab is still missing on Content Fragment Model Properties.This tab is located here: "/libs/dam/cfm/models/console/components/model/cq:di...
GraphQL endpoint management tile is missing under Tools/Assets. GraphQL tab is also missing on Content Fragment Model Properties. But they are there I can access with direct link. Any ideas?