Hi @SagarVerliani , If Template type is missing or deleted then it gives such type of issue.Template type should be there then you can able to edit the template.Regards,Sanjay
Hi @TB3dock , Overlay Adobe granite HTML client Library configuration in your code and update the configuration as per the requirement.Means enabled gzip compression so it will be apply to the all type of images.Regards,Sanjay
Hi @NimashaJain , I gone through the experience league url and in that experience league they have mentioned admin console link and which is redirected me to company Adobe account and I left that company so most of the product they have removed.Is there any other way or I can request to cur...
Hi @SocialTaylor , Can you please check the below url and try the solution suggested their.https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/uncaught-referenceerror-cq-is-not-defined/m-p/269417 Regards,Sanjay