Hello, If you followed this post completely, you find the details you are asking in the thread or you can also refer the mentioned article: Adobe Target: How to avoid Page Blank and Flickering Issues – Terryn Winter Thanks
It is recommended to keep the clientlibs under /apps/<project>/clientlibs as also given in WKND sample site here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/project-archetype/client-side-libraries.html?lang=en
You would create groups for different websites, then you would go to Tools> Security> Permissions . Choose the respective groups and assign the jcr:read/ jcr:write/jcr:all or neccssary permission in respective content path like /content/siteA. This way you can keep the users from one site accessing ...