Hi All, Extra "/" is adding in the end of the page like : https://domainname/content/abc/dashboard.html/ and this is cached on dispatcher level because dispatcher is treating dashboard.html page as a directory. On dispatcher side we can see this url used by some user "dashboard.html/content/dam/abc/...
Hi All,
Please check if any has the same issue. We are using AEM6.4.8.
Pen testing team has raised this issue: org.eclipse.jetty.http.BadMessageException: 400: Bad HostPort
Please suggest how to resolve this issue.
Hi All,I am using AEM 6.4. One of our external team is trying to redirect on our AEM page and sending data through form action as POST request but our AEM page is not accessible from third party side. Please suggest how can I allow Post request on AEM page from external side.I have checked the logs,...
Hi All,I am working on AEM 6.4 and our application running on 1 Author and 3 Publishers(P1.P2,P3) node.In last couple of months we have experienced that one of our Publisher server starts flapping or becomes quite slow sometimes (due to lack of disk space/network issue for various reasons) but was n...
Hi All,I have developed my application on AEM6.4 and now I need to access my application by another application through iframe, when I am trying to access my AEM application through iframe, I am getting below error:as expected X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGONI have updated configuration at dispatcher lev...
Hi All, Please suggest is it good design to add two new different publishers for new application on single Author on existing architecture:( 1 author with 2 publishers) Currently we are using 6.4 and on single Author we have two Publishers. Now we need to deploy one new application(different code ba...
Hi All, What is the best practice to minify JS/CSS file in AEM6.4.2.In our case there there two applications are running on same AEM instances and one of the application(First) is not using AEM minification that's why they have disabled "minify" option on configuration level. They( First Applicatio...
Hi All,Please suggest how can I minify my JS,CSS files without using "CQ Html Library Manager" minify option. I have don't have access to use "minify" option in the configuration. What is the alternate solutions, I am using AEM6.4. Regards,
Hi All,I am working in AEM6.4.2. There two applications are running on same AEM instances and one of the application is not using minification of Js/Css thats why they have disabled "minify" option on configuration level.I am using minification version of our css and when I am deploying my applicat...