Hi All, Is there a way to expose a single generic API using a bridge between Adobe IO and external system. For example: External System--->Bridge--->AdobeIO--->ACS Thanks,Cl
Hi all, How to define an aggregation in ACS custom resource. Is it only by linking with N collection cardinality?For example: if a profile has shipping address as an aggregation with address fields . Thanks
Hi All, Is there a way in ACS to consume cloud exposed API's? Not SFTP and external API activity as it is beta version and the ability for external api activity is to pass a value from ACS DB to fetch details from 3rd party API. My use case is to receive data from the cloud APIs exposed. Thanks,cl
Hi, When Single Send Via email delivery is used to pull AEM linked page in ACS delivery an error occurs 01/08/2020 1:39:21 AMJST-310008 Failed to process directives '<%@ include' (content htmldefaultContent).01/08/2020 1:39:21 AMDLV-490041 Unknown content block '#34;, or you do not have the appropr...
Hi,When a post event is hit in ACS through adobe IO in post man the parameters of my request are not recognized. The response is like: 'audience' property is not valid for the 'EVTTIMESensitiveCampaign' resource.XTK-170006 Unable to parse expression 'nmsRtEvent_DispatchEvent($(.), @eventHistoId, @se...
Hi team,When I try to create a record from the ACS UI for custom resource, I end up getting this issue, does anyone have an idea on this. Through the WF the data is getting inserted but through the ACS GUI I am facing issues.adobe caThanks,cl
I have a requirement to import 3million users to the campaign DB standard. Do I need to tether the schedule or load data in splits or load all the profile data at once? What would be the best recommended solution?