Hi,We are looking at a good to have feature of having help videos with in dialogs which will enable content authors to refer to them in case they need any help with it. The video is supposed to play in a separate tab. Is there any way to achieve this using the widgets API?Any suggestions are appreci...
Hi I have a custom dialog defined by the below configuration. var dialogConfig = CQ.Util.applyDefaults({ title: CQ.I18n.getMessage("Create Tag"), formUrl: CQ.tagging.TagAdmin.TAG_COMMAND_URL, ...
Hi,We are looking at a good to have feature of having help videos with in dialogs which will enable content authors to refer to them in case they need any help with it. The video is supposed to play in a separate tab. Is there any way to achieve this using the widgets API?Any suggestions are appreci...
Hi All,I have a multi field which contains a number of fields out of which one is a datetime field which is declared as belowthis.dateField = new CQ.Ext.form.DateField({ width: 300, allowBlank: false, hideTime:true, listeners: { ...
I have a weird issue where the reverse replication test works once I set up the agent. However, the agent is unable to poll to the publish instance outbox and it throws the following exception 9.08.2014 20:46:11 - INFO - qa-reverse-agent : Creating content for path /content19.08.2014 20:46:11 - INFO...