Thanks, but I am horrible at the scripting. I was hoping there would be a feature I could use, like the Action Builder. But that only changes the background color of the Object while it is being clicked, even when I select "is checked".
Thank you for your assistance, but I finally figured out what I was doing wrong. When I selected my Result choice, I forgot to change the Object to the Object Field name that I needed the action performed on. I feel like such a dork. Sorry for wasting your time.
How do I fit that into this: <field name="EmailSubmitButton1" y="0mm" x="136.525mm" w="34.925mm" h="6mm"> <?templateDesigner isEmailSubmitObject true?> <ui> <button/> </ui> <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/> <caption> <val...
I keep gettting the following error: The following error was found with the XML source:Xml parsing error: not well-formed (invalid token) (error code 4), line 3427, column 47 of file