Indeed, I suspect the AND NOT combinational logic won't solve the problem either...Let's assume we have defined opt-in and opt-out traits with indefinite lifetimes.Let's assume all visitors start off qualified for the opt-out trait (meaning that consent has not been given).Visitor A gives consent an...
Hi Victor,As you requested, I have sent a detailed description of our experience that will hopefully lead to improved DCS API documentation. Thanks for your willingness to improve - that's nice to see.Sincerely, Hugh
That would be excellent Varun. For those clients who must use the DCS API for on-boarding of CRM data, it can be difficult to figure things out by searching across lots of help pages. Any new insights/procedures document would help a lot. Enjoy the rest of your day. - Sincerely, Hugh
Hi Varun,Thank you for your clear answer. It explains why I was getting odd results. Maybe someone could update the Audience Manager Help page (see the link in the original question) to make it clear for other customer in future. Thanks again and best wishes from Belgium!Sincerely, Hugh