Hi jantzen, I've tried playing the video recording it's not working. Can you please help me how to accomplish the recording session. Thanks,Balakrishna
Hi Goel, I have disabled the body hiding flickering has been stopped but I could notice the blank page while loading the page. How to mitigate this issue.
Hi Goel,Yes, Launch script is loading asynchronously and I haven't disabled body hiding in the Target Rule. I'm attaching the screenshot you want me to make those changes in the rule would help. Thanks,BK
Hi Goel, Since you've mentioned you've added pre-hiding code, I'm assuming you're loading at.js asynchronously. - Yes Is it directly embedded on the page or via tag manager (sync or async)? - The code is placed on the page before the Launch code and dataLayer on the site is above Launch and prehidin...
Hi All, Can someone please help me how to stop the flickering issue? Website has Flikering in spite of Adding the Prehiding Code on the site. Help is highly apprechiated ! Thanks,Balakrishna