Hi @CedricRey , We have a solution. We did two things, so I'm not sure which (or both) was the actual fix. 1. Set the Batch Size to some value greater than the number of records to-be inserted.2. Modify the up_UpdateTableStats procedure to ignore the pain-point table: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DAD...
We'll give it a go. The documentation doesn't give me much hope, though. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-cloud-kcs/kbarticles/KA-15164.html?lang=en Thanks, @CedricRey Jim
We are experiencing a similar issue today. What was the resolution on this? Oracle 19c, 9032v5 build. We did recently upgrade to 19c, but 10 days ago and haven't encountered this issue until today. Thanks,Jim