@Anuhya-Y Were you successful in creating RTCDP B2B Data Model along with AJO ? Do you get both a single customer view of multiple leads collapse into one profile and also able to create separate lead journeys in AJO?
The WebSDK will save the data in a schema. You can use this event schema while configuring the event , choose the fields you want to use in the journey. Does that make sense? Create an event in AJO to see the structure of payload by adding the schema fields.
Did you trigger the event from an API call ? You need to fire an event call, loading .json onto dataset will not start the journey.
Check the logs in the journey, If there are 0 elements that means the event is not triggered.
All your journey data should be available in RTCDP.
1. The attributes you use to create the journey is already available in RTCDP datasets.
2. The journey logs - delivery or tracking logs is also available under system datasets.
3. If you have any data coming in through Events and you will have them...
I used the below code in the input form: <container colcount="2" label="General" type="frame"><input choiceButton="true" xpath="@productGroup"><enter name="onClick"><set value="0" xpath="@sportName"/><reset xpath="@sportName"/></enter></input><container type="visibleGroup" visibleIf="@productGroup='...
Hi Prasanna, I tried setting the value below but this is not wokring for enumerations: <container colcount="2" label="General" type="frame"><input choiceButton="true" xpath="@productGroup"><enter name="onClick"><set value="0" xpath="@sportName"/><reset xpath="@sportName"/></enter></input><container ...
Thanks Venu. We are able to send the request but it seems to time out after 5 minutes. My questions is - How do we increase the time out to 10 mins instead?