smacdonald2008Oh ! I forgot to logout from ID provider "SSO Circle". When I logged out my redirection is working fine(aem we-retail page => sso circle login page) but when I enter SSO site credential I am redirecting to aem path which I have mentioned in provider configuration as http://localhost:45...
Hi Techaspect Solutions smacdonald2008 Need help on this !I am trying this for author port 4502 but still not getting successstep 1 : SAML 2.0 AUTHENTICATION HANDLER CONFIGURATIONSstep 2 :Apache Sling Referrer Filter :step 3 :Creating trust store by adding public certificate fileStep 4 is of ad...
Hi Techaspect Solutions,Do you have any proper document to configure saml with AEM 6.4.I am going through this link but there is not enough configurations.I have created idp settings SAML 2.0 Authentication Handler
Hi AdobeID24,I also faced similar issue.As mentioned do not use capital case in package name as It will not get instantiateimport amitsample.core.filters.HelloService;You can use :amitsample.core.filters.helloService
My sling model is registered but then also I am getting errorHTL Code:<div> <b>Students Information</b> <br><br> <div data-sly-use.studentModel="TouchUIMultiField.core.models.StudentsModel" data-sly-unwrap> <div data-sly-test="${!studentModel || wcmmode.edit}"> Add student...