There is noting wrong with your form, this is just the way XFA forms (the kind produced by LiveCycle Designer) behave when you try to open them in a PDF viewer that does not support this "flavor" of PDF document. Chrome and FireFox now come with their own PDF viewers, and the only way to turn them o...
You are using an email submission button - which sounds like the right thing to do, but in this case that's wrong: The stock email submission button is a one-trick pony, and it does exactly what it's designed to do: It submits the form to the email address you used when you first set up the form. As...
I tried to send you a direct message with my email address, but the forum software is not cooperating right now. When you click on my name in blue just above this comment, you can find a link to my web site, which has my email address in the lower right corner. I cannot promise that I will get to yo...
This looks like this document is part of a "distribute form" workflow. This means that you are very likely not even running the script that is associated with the button. BTW: You should see some output on the JavaScript console. There are a few "console.println()" commands in my code to print the f...
So again my questions: Do you get any errors on the JavaScript console? What do you see in the "CC:" field in the email that arrives at the "To:" address?
There is no screenshot attached to your reply. You cannot attach images when replying via email. Just log into the forums system and then use the "Insert Image" button:
Maybe the forum system is removing information - do you have anything between "(" and ")"?This is copied from my original{ bUI: false, cTo: cToAddr, cCc: cCCAddr, cSubject: cSubLine, cMsg: cBody, })
Are you getting any errors on the JavaScript console (Ctrl-J or Cmd-J)? Is it possible that the field names I am using are different than the ones you are using?
When you look at the email header of the email that you receive, what is in the "CC:" line? Does it also fail if you only have one email address in the "CC" line (meaning, you are not specifying a beneficiary email address)?