solution that worked for meMaven Toolchains
The Maven Toolchains plugin allows projects to select a specific JDK (or toolchain) to be used in the context of toolchains-aware Maven plugins. This is done in the project’s pom.xml file by specifying a vendor and version value. A sample section in the po...
Add this you will get the link <links
protocols="[mailto:]"/> here is a smaple for more plugin<rtePlugins jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
Hey,you can use HTL list even and odd to complete your requirement.check if odd or even return true place in left or right div according to your need.You can refer all htl feature here: htl spec ${dataPrint.odd} it will give true if your list is on odd place
${dataPrint.even} it will give true if y...
Hello @Pinemn ,1.Make sure you have the access to experience cloud.2.Logged in to the account you got access.3.It might be the case that you have more than one sandbox access and the default one which is selected on login does not have access to the experience cloud.To solve this problem just click ...
hello,go to crx/de and navigate to /etc/packages/{yourproject}.This location contains all the pkg version your instance have and getting picked from can play here , delete some version or whatever you suits you.
Hello,Please go through below article that will answer most of your questions.Planning Your Upgrade | Adobe Experience ManagerAnother good article suggesting steps isHow To Upgrade AEM 6.5 Safely! – TA Digital LabsGenerally the steps are (high level):1. decide the approach In-place or fresh2. Run th...
You mean the "ABOUT US" text or any thing in place of that.If yes, then what is the problem go author the component dialog value.Generally on any image component put a heading tag in html make it authorable and place it over image anywhere.for reference you can refer your hero component/apps/weretai...
Your question is not clear.If you are looking for watermark for your images. You can use watermark step in dam update asset workflow.Place the Add Watermark step anywhere before the Process Thumbnail step.Add watermark to your digital assets | Adobe Experience Manager
It means bundle is not getting packaged with your final build.just checked the maven repository and find out that there is no bundle for freemarker there.In order to resolve your issue you need to download the jar for maven repository and convert it into an osgi bundle .Download the jar for your ver...