Hi LLDR, take a look at this idea:http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Dashboards-in-14-7-also-in-e xcel-word-etc/idi-p/1065 We could need your vote! so longnic
Hi Ben, I can provide a use case:I'm sending around dashboards based on country report suites to the country managers. These include granular data like "Conversions by campaign X or visits to section Y or products sold in the last month vs. the month before vs. same month in the last year.Providing ...
Hi, there are some suggestions, which already got some votes. Top voted is that one: http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Group-Bookmarks-amp-Dashboar ds-by-Business-Projects-i-e-in-same/idi-p/489 Maybe you want to support arkley68. so longnic
Hi Ana, this is a duplicate of http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Allow-Week-in-data-warehouse -to-be-linked-to-the-custom-calendar/idi-p/523 And the same for Discover: http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Discover-to-Utilize-Customiz ed-Calendar/i...
Pah, "over a year". I have an open ticket ("Start of the week in graphs") with a 2009 ticket number:090213-000113:-) But I'm not so sure we are talking about the same issue. maybe you want to attach a screenshot? so longnic
I second that one. A few month ago I did some tests. A blank is also not allowed as first character. I'd recommend to allow classification of i.e. " hello", too. Other restrictions (probably ok to let them "forbidden"):";" is not allowed at all. Neither is "crlf" (don't ask). And of course "#".
Hi Matt, hm, ok. If you spot the events causing the problem while the xact is still valid, it will work. At least for persistent stuff.Nevertheless, I can think of interesting stuff, that can be done with negative values, too. Voted:-) so longnic
Matt, just using negative values doesn't solve the problem, does it? It's not just events, it's events tied to specific times, eVar values and VisitorIDs.To truly "delete" an event, you need to create a negative event with all the same environment variables. Else you mess up your Lifetime metrics an...
If you like the above idea, you may also be interested in http://ideas.omniture.com/t5/Adobe-Idea-Exchange-for-Omniture/Group-Bookmarks-amp-Dashboar ds-by-Business-Projects-i-e-in-same/idi-p/489 :-)