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Join us for the Adobe Journey Optimizer Community Q&A Coffee Break on 1st October at 8 am PT with Journey Optimizer experts Amarnath Vannarath, Ariel Sultan, Arthur Lacroix and Sandra Hausmann.

Experience League LIVE - Post-session discussion: Maximize your mobile app’s potential with Adobe Journey Optimizer



Maximize your mobile app’s potential with Adobe Journey Optimizer

Use this thread to ask any questions related to the Experience League LIVE session titled, "Maximize your mobile app’s potential with Adobe Journey Optimizer"

Recording URL: 

Maximize your mobile app’s potential with Adobe Journey Optimizer 

Event Description

Learn the benefits of in-app messaging as a real-time engagement channel and how to configure and author personalized mobile app experiences in Adobe Journey Optimizer.

Follow-up Community Q&A Coffee Break URL: 

[Adobe Journey Optimizer Community Q&A Coffee Break] May 31st, 8am PT: Ivan Mironchuk, Principal Pro...


Experts are monitoring this thread to ensure your questions are answered. Thanks and we hope to hear from you!


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