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Level 10

Welcome to the Activation forum!  

We're glad you're here. If you have any questions about the Activation core service or Dynamic Tag Managment (DTM), feel free to create a post or join an existing discussion. Below are a few items to get you started:


What is the Activation core service?

The Adobe Marketing Cloud Activation core service is comprised of the dynamic tag management technology. Activation lets marketers control data collection, distribution, and activation of experiences via an intuitive, rules-based interface for increased marketing agility and decreased dependence on IT.

Additional technologies will be added to the Activation core service at a future date.


Why should I be interested in Activation?

Spend less time implementing and more time marketing

Many digital marketers spend a significant amount of time deploying, or waiting on analytics tracking. In many cases, these marketers depend on IT to help them implement new tracking that stems from rapidly evolving business requirements. This dependency can lead to months-long fulfillment cycles that slow measurement, and ultimately, insights.

Using the Activation core service with Adobe Analytics, marketers can quickly add tracking to their sites, campaigns, and content, without burdening IT. From a single interface, Activation allows marketers to deploy Adobe Analytics tracking using rules that can intelligently implement tracking on one part of a web page, only on certain pages, or across an entire website in just minutes.


How does the Activation core service work?

Example: A multinational hotel and resort chain enhances their website experience by offering additional photos and information when a customer hovers over a room image. The marketing team wants to gain insight from this new feature, to see which rooms their customer segments prefer. However, they know the customer often hovers over many rooms before they land the mouse cursor over the room they're interested in learning more about. To filter out these irrelevant interactions, the marketing team wants to track only the hover states that engage for three seconds or longer. The marketers use Activation to build a single a rule that lets Analytics track only the interactions they're interested in, across their entire website. What used to take months to accomplish is completed by the hotel’s marketers in a matter of hours.


How do I get started?

  1. Ensure your organization is enabled for the Adobe Marketing Cloud
  2. Visit the "Getting Started..." documentation and read through the five-part guide.
  3. Watch training videos on Enterprise TV
  4. Follow our Digital Marketing blog. Twitter users can also follow @RudiShumpert & @AdobeExpCare for the latest and greatest
  5. Install one of the DTM plugins for debugging
  6. Log into DTM and start adding tools and rules

Need Help?

DTM Documentation Home
Adobe Analytics Deployment
MCID Deployment
Troubleshooting Documentation

2 Replies


Level 10

Thanks for letting us know of the outdated links. We are actually planning to redirect many of these pages to Adobe Experience League. Since you are looking for getting started content on DTM, I'd recommend looking at our getting started section for Launch. DTM has since been replaced by Launch and we have some really great documentation for Launch - https://docs.adobelaunch.com/

If you run into questions when using Launch, be sure to post in our Adobe Experience Platform Launch community.