When a report is embedded on a dashboard, the filters, views and groupings are hidden, and the chevrons must be clicked to expand the menu. Users do not see this on the default dashboard view and don't know that they have to click the chevrons either, so is just poor UI. I suggest moving the filters...
On document reports, if the document has a proof we need to be able to add a column that shows any reviewers and/or approvers. Ideally for the active proof stage. This will let you build reports to quickly identify who reviewers and approvers are on your active documents/proofs.You can add an approv...
Right now, it is not possible to see subtotals in the groupings of the Hour Reports. For example, if the company wants to know the total of hours sold within a period of time or the Sum of the prices of all the projects to create the total currency amount of sold projects. The options that appear ...
I connected to support to make sure we dont have this ability yet. hence an idea here. Scenario: I have a department that manages multiple groups. I have a main GROUP created for my department, where I can pull all my projects and tasks reports for quick review. But, I am unable to view those for my...
When trying to create a report filter, Rich Text fields do not show up as options to filter on. So for example if you have a rich text field called "Challenges", you can't set up a report that filters for projects where the Challenges field is not blank.
Users in our instance would like the ability to display projects that are shared with them in their projects screen or in a dashboard. I'm told by Support there is currently no way to do this. This would give greater visibility since any project that have involvement in would display in the view for...
In Classic, when navigating to 'Projects', users had the ability to Filter work by 'Projects I own' or 'Projects I'm on', then select a view(i.e. Active, Milestones, All, etc.), this option is no longer available in the NWE.
When editing layout templates there is an option to edit "Lists" (which controls filters, views & groupings) on various objects. However, you cannot pare down the list of filters, views & groupings that users see on individual projects or issues. Our users would like simpler functionality, and to ...
Currently when working in the agile project view you can add fields to each Story (subtask) and assign points to each card. You can add up to three fields to the card but none of the fields show the points assigned for that particular card, just the total points of the iteration (all the cards added...
We do productivity tracking reports using the timesheet data in Workfront. One thing that would be a big help is the ability to filter the timesheet data by the hour source so I can track these by tasks or see how much time was spent on an activity. The only way to filter this data is to export to...
(Note that Campaigns = Projects)We have recently discovered the Campaigns I'm On/Campaigns I Own buttons that can be activated in a Layout Template (refer to Case Number 00260023).Currently this filter provides ALL campaigns and it is not possible to modify the filter to exclude 'Complete' campaigns...
The system has many standard views/filters/groupings like Projects I'm On/Assigned to Me etc.You are unable to edit the standard filter. Any changes you make will have to be saved as a new filter. I think admins should be able to edit the standard lists without creating a new one in the system.