Hello everyone,
I'm a new user of Live Cycle but usually I am able to solve my problem by myself... This time, this problem really seem weird to me!
I created 2 forms from an excel file, one that is working well in Live Cycle Es2, acrobat X and reader X (I set the parameters of the form so everybody is able to fill the form, save it and print it in Reader). The second page of the second document is problematic: Page 2 is unable to print in Live Cycle, acrobat or reader. I can save it, fill it but not print it. The first page alone is printing in all programs but as I add the second one I'm having those error messages:
In live cycle:
in Acrobat and Reader :
Please help me, I really tryed what i could! (uninstall, reinstall, reboot, copy-paste in a new document, print on another printer, Windows7 update)...