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Table header data overlap issue


Former Community Member

Hi Experts,

I am facing a issue with flowed content in table header.

I am using subforms to create my table.

My Header row consists of 3-4 rows of data as it a very complex table. The header is set as the Overflow leader for the table row.

The values in the Header row are populated dynamically from backend based on some criteria. These values vary in length.

So, I have to set all the text fields to expand to fit in height.

My problem is, if I make the subform flowed...the data overlaps on second page onwards.

If I keep the subform as positioned the text fields overlap each other.

Can we not set the subform of the header row to 'Flowed'.

Please help.



5 Replies


Level 10

Hi Neha,

I am not sure I understand. Where we have an expanding table in a form we would set the page to a flowed content and allow content to break across pages (Object > Subform palette).

If your header objects are receiving data then they must be a textfield or similar. If so then try setting the objects to allow multiple lines (Object > Field palette).

This should allow the header row to increase in height and push the body rows down the page.

There are general examples here: http://assure.ly/lwQHm7 and a specific example of building dynamic tables here: http://assure.ly/gk8Q7a.

In summary, I would set the page to flowed and the textfields to allow multiple lines.

Hope that helps,



Former Community Member

Hi Niall,

Thanks for the quick reply.

The table works fine,,,the issue is with the header row only, which should repeat on each page incase table spans to multiple pages.

Let me try n explain the issue...

I have a header row like this:

Sr.No     Material No.     Unit     Unit Price     Gross Price     Net Price

             Description      Date     Price Base           

Sr.No     Material No.     Unit     Unit Price     Gross Price     Net Price

              Description      Date     Price Base    

data row...

Now I have a 2-langauge variantion also..in that case each label is in 2 langauge separated by a '/' ( Eg. Material Nr. / Numéro de matériel)

Now, as the value changes, it might print in 2 lines.

If I keep my subform positioned, the values overlap each other and if I make the subform flowed, the header overlaps with the data row on the 2nd page onwards.

I have set the header row as the Overflow Leader for data row.




Level 10

Hi Neha,

I was just doing up an example for you. Have a look at how I set up this header set in the table. There are two header rows in the set and they are set up to allow multiple lines.


I hope that you can follow this structure/setup.



Former Community Member

Thanks a lot Niall.

Your examples looks great, I will try it with my scenario.

I have a question though, can we not achieve it if we use tables made using Subforms, do we 'have' to use table object.




Level 10

Hi Neha,

No, you can use repeating subforms as well. If you have a look at Table 6 in the Building Dynamic Tables example, you will see that this is made with subforms and not the table object.

Good luck,
