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Meeting size


Level 3

What if I want to hold more than 20 person meetings? Also,  for some reason I keep on getting different prices for this service depending on the link I click on.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

Nope... you can have more than 20 people.  Please keep in mind that LCCS is *not* a web conferencing product.



View solution in original post

10 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi Daminee80,

Our pricing model only meters on live stream bandwidth, push messages, and user minutes -- http://forums.adobe.com/thread/501587?tstart=0.

Where are you seeing inconsistencies in our pricing?  The correct one is in the link above.  If you could please give me the links where you see the inconsistency, we'll get it addressed right away.




Level 3

What abuot the meeting room size, for paying customers is there that 20 person room limit as well?


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

Nope... you can have more than 20 people.  Please keep in mind that LCCS is *not* a web conferencing product.





Just to clarify, the Beta version used to have a limit of 25 concurrent users per account. The new version doesn't limit on users anymore (both for free and paid accounts) but you will be paying for user minutes (total connection times of all users), so the more concurrent users you have the more it will cost you.


Level 3

Do you plan to offer any other options, in terms of unlimited usage plans.  Let's say I have 10,000+ users.  With over a 1,000 users logging in everyday, with several hundred concurrent users at any point in time, it seems that it might end up costing me an arm and a leg.  Especially since my business is growing rapidly.


Former Community Member

Hi Daminee80,

Absolutely, we are working on other pricing models that will be more attractive to larger, and more mature businesses.  My guess is that you will not to pay via a payment card at that point either...

If you'd like to discuss this more in-depth, let me know as we're happy to hear your feedback.

FWIW, we chose to start with the PPU pricing model simply because it's the lowest common denominator and gets everyone going.




Level 3

Thank you, can you contact me to give me more information by email or maybe a number I can call? I am planning to migrate to livecycle in small scales starting with a test group within 2 weeks.  With full migration planned for March to April of next year.  I hoping by that time all the bugs have been worked out.


Former Community Member

Hi Daminee,

I sent you a message to discuss further.

Re: Bugs -- as you may have witnessed, we're pretty fast when it comes to fixing bugs and issues when we find them and when they are reported.  When you come across any issues, please keep the reports coming.




Level 1


I am working in a project that will require high volume of users and bandwith, and as Daminee said that seems that will be costly.

At this point we are starting, but our price structre could change depending on the pricing opportunities that we may have.

If you have time to shoot me an email, I'll appreciate it.




Former Community Member

Hi Fernando,

I just sent you a message.  Happy to chat more about it.



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