Hi Radzmar
Thanks for your prompt advice. Using resolvenodes does make the difference, but when I apply the if statement for checking whether Cell2 is equal to "CR" or not, the iTotal (from your example) kept on resetting it self, so I am not able to get the result I want.
For example, if my table has 5 rows, 3 with "CR" and LCY value is 100 per cell, 2 with "DR" and LCY value is also 100 per cell. I want to populate the result, 300 to the iTotal field. is the following code doing the job please?
Within "iTotal" cell, under calculate, program as JavaScript:
var oRows = xfa.resolveNodes("tblAcctEnt.Row1[*]");
var iTotal;
for(var i=0; i<oRows.length; i++){
if (oRows.item(i).Cell2.rawValue == "CR"){
iTotal =+ oRows.item(i).Cell8.rawValue;
this.rawValue = iTotal;