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Web Service containing collection


Former Community Member
In LiveCycle Designer 8.1, a dynamic form with a data connection to a test web service http://www.webservicex.net/WeatherForecast.asmx?wsdl is created. This service has a method named GetWeatherByPlaceName. Request object requires a place name, Response object of the service returns some location info of the place and the weekly weather list.

I want to show the list of weekly weathers on my form. When drag and drop option used for the response, a subform containing the result object, and the details of the weather object and a subform which holds the weather list data is generated.

I already select the "Repeat Row for each data item" options of the details and weatherData subforms.A button of the web service and the request's "place" variable is also put to form. In preview, when button is clicked, "ONLY" the first item in the weather data is listed in the form. Other subforms containing the items in the list is not generated.

How can I show the web service collection in my list?

I have also tried SOAP object in JavaScript.

SOAP.wireDump = false;

var oListURL = "http://www.webservicex.net/WeatherForecast.asmx?wsdl";

var e;



//xfa.host.messageBox("Starting list retrieval.");

var service = SOAP.connect(oListURL);

if(typeof service != "object") {

xfa.host.messageBox("Couldn't get List object.");


if(service.GetWeatherByPlaceName == "undefined") {

xfa.host.messageBox("Couldn't get GetWeatherByPlaceName Call.");


// Start the query

form1.page1.PlaceName.rawValue = "Turkey";

var oItems = service.GetWeatherByPlaceName("Turkey");





xfa.host.messageBox("Problem with list Call: " + e);


But I got an exception.

Is there any easy method to show the list of items in my form?

Thanks a lot.

2 Replies


Former Community Member
Hi Asiye

A few other things you should check

1) subforms containing the dynamic table should have their position set to 'flowed'

2) Make sure the execute button is set to 're-merge'. Select the button, switch to the Execute tab on the object inspector, and look for the re-merge checkbox at the bottom. Turn it on.

3) Check your form is saved as a dynamic xml form.


Adobe Systems


Former Community Member
Thank you Jean, I have forgotten "re-merge form data" option.

It works.
