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Start Jboss


Former Community Member

I try to make the installation of livecycle Es v8.0 on a windows server 2003 SP1 R2 2.4 GHZ with 4G of ram.

I installed the sun sdk version on my system.

I installed the preconfigure adobe Jboss server.

when I try to start Jboss on command line : run.bat -C

I have the following error :

Error occurred during the initialization of VM

Could not reserve enough space for object heap

Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

The option in the run.bat file are :

MaxpermSize = 256m -Xms : 256m -Xmx : 1024m

I try with :

MaxpermSize = 1024m -Xms256m -Xmx1024m


MaxpermSize = 256m -Xms256m -Xmx2048m

It works with 32m 32m 32m but is it enough to works LC fine ?

Could you help me ?

Thanks you
2 Replies


Former Community Member

It looks like you don't have enough free memory on the server. For LC you should have Xms=512 and Xmx=1024. No less than this.


Former Community Member

Thanks for reply. I have edit my first post. I have 4GB of ram on my server and there is nothing else installed on my server that what Lc requires (sun sdk, sql server and lc component)

Edit : Jboss is installed on the F drive and the virtual is configured to 6GB min and 8GB max for this drive

Edit2 : It works with xms512m and xmx1024m if the maxpermsize value is deleted. I read that maxPermsize is important so I set the values to 256m 256m 882m.