Hi Paul,
These options are already turned off. Further more it says on the tab: "These options aply only when saving form designs as PDF files. They do not apply to pdf files rendered using LiveCycle Forms ES."
Speaking of fonts, I am using Times New Roman, which as I understand already should be included in adobe reader (No embedding should therefore occur).
Here is a bit more about my setup:
I am using the following services: renderPDFForm and AssembleService (for flattening the document).
I have tried optimizing the xdp in every possible way. Setting read only on text fields, setting a max length on text fields, using only few subforms etc. Still I find the rendered pdf to be quite big, compared to the contents and what Jasper report generates (from the same xml).
With regards to the xml feeding. Is it possible that the served xml file is to big for the Adobe Server to handle?
I can easily send you an archive containing the processes, xdp, xsd and sample xml file, if you would like that. Maybe you can spot something which could be optmized.
Kind regards